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Organic Black Sesame Seed Oil

Organic black sesame seed oil is extracted during the cold pressing process of unpeeled black sesame seeds. It is particularly known for its rich nutty flavor. However, black sesame oil is slightly bitter and richer in calcium than white sesame oil as a result of the hulls being present.

Sesame oil has been used for centuries in Asian cuisine. It also has medicinal purposes, especially in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is used as a base oil for about 90% of the herbal oils. In Ayurvedic therapy, sesame oil is renowned for its ability to strengthen and detoxify the body and ensure the proper functioning of all the vital organs.


Sizes: Gallons – 2 litre; 20 litre

Minimum order: 2 x 2 litre / 1 x 20 litre


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Organic Black Sesame Seed Oil

Organic black sesame seed oil is extracted during the cold pressing process of unpeeled black sesame seeds. It is particularly known for its rich nutty flavor. However, black sesame oil is slightly bitter and richer in calcium than white sesame oil as a result of the hulls being present.

Sesame oil has been used for centuries in Asian cuisine. It also has medicinal purposes, especially in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is used as a base oil for about 90% of the herbal oils. In Ayurvedic therapy, sesame oil is renowned for its ability to strengthen and detoxify the body and ensure the proper functioning of all the vital organs.

Today, sesame oil is a common component of skin and massage oils, hair care products, cosmetics, soaps, perfumes and sunscreens. Sesame oil has great moisturizing, soothing and emollient qualities.

Health and Nutrition 

Protects heart health

Sesame oil is heart-friendly and able to lower bad cholesterol levels as it contains a wide range of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including sesamol and sesamin. These fatty acids keep the cardiovascular system strong and the LDL cholesterol levels low, thereby preventing atherosclerosis. This means that you are better protected from a heart attack and stroke if you add sesame oil to your diet.

Enhance nutrient absorption

The lignans found in black sesame seeds can enhance the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, maximizing the health benefits and helping you get the most nutritional value possible from each serving. Sesame seeds also contain a good amount of essential fatty acids, which are needed for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. For this reason, including a sesame oil with a nutrient-dense meal can help you actually absorb and use the nutrients more efficiently.

Highly recommended for skin and hair care

Organic black sesame oil is the perfect massage oil. It helps strengthen and balance the body, improves circulation and nourishes skin, thereby contributing to the elimination of toxins and having a rejuvenating effect on the body. It is also highly preferred as a hair oil. It helps to reduce hair fall, promotes hair growth, reduces dandruff and helps maintain in a soft healthy scalp. Organic black sesame oil helps to keep hair nourished so it looks lively and healthy.


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