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Organic White Sesame Seed Oil

Sesame oil has been used in various Asian Ayurveda remedies for countless years to combat a range of illnesses and improve both outward appearance and internal health.

Sesame seed oil contains high levels of Sesamin, a powerful anti-oxidant lignin that has been shown to express a cytotoxic effect against certain cancer cells, thus slowing and/or preventing proliferation. It also possesses dense levels of essential minerals and phytosterols, which are known to reduce LDL cholesterol and improve the overall ratio of HDL: LDL.


Sizes: Gallons – 2 litre; 20 litre

Minimum order: 2 x 2 litre / 1 x 20 litre


SKU: 1004 – 1006 Category:


Organic White Sesame Seed Oil

Sesame oil has been used in various Asian Ayurveda remedies for countless years to combat a range of illnesses and improve both outward appearance and internal health.

Sesame seed oil contains high levels of Sesamin, a powerful anti-oxidant lignin that has been shown to express a cytotoxic effect against certain cancer cells, thus slowing and/or preventing proliferation.

It also possesses dense levels of essential minerals and phytosterols, which are known to reduce LDL cholesterol and improve the overall ratio of HDL: LDL. Sesame oil can be used as a supplement for skin and hair care and is often used as an effective oil pulling solution.

Over 80% of the composition of sesame oil is from Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fats, making it a great source of essential fatty acids in your diet. Our sesame oil is unfiltered allowing for a beautifully rich taste and nutritional profile.


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